
How to Get Started Switching to LED

Many manufacturers are phasing out older types of light bulbs, making this a great time to get started switching to LED. Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are the most efficient kinds of bulbs on the market. They also offer amazing savings on energy costs and even offer more options for lighting. Some of the more advanced bulbs even connect to WiFi connections in a home, allowing the user to change the hue and brightness. Many homeowners are a little leery of these new bulbs, but there is nothing to worry about. There’s a good reason manufacturers are going to stop making traditional bulbs.

Switching to LED bulbs can be a little bit of a chore. The easiest way to switch is by changing out older bulbs as they go out. After a while, all the bulbs in a home will be switched without any extra effort. Homeowners might even start to notice a change right away. Incandescent brightness is a noticeable feature in LED bulbs. Not only is the light clearer with a light emitting diode, it is spread out more evenly and produces a noticeable improvement in interior lighting. It takes less lighting from an LED to brighten a room than traditional bulbs simply because they work better.

When comparing traditional bulbs with LED, brightness is a major factor. Traditional bulbs require much more power to run and take up much more room in a fixture. LED fixtures run on less than a penny’s worth of energy per day. At this rate homeowners are paying about twenty-five cents per month to light their home. Traditional bulbs use about thirty to sixty watts. This means that average traditional bulb costs somewhere between seven and ten cents per day to run. The savings alone are enough to justify switching to light-emitting diode bulbs. For those interested in a more sleek look for their fixtures it’s also worth noting that LED bulbs are much more compact and visually appealing.

Along with savings from energy efficiency homeowners can often enjoy even more savings with mail-in rebates and in some cases tax deductions. Although the cost of purchasing LED bulbs is higher the savings will more than make up the difference. With the right lighting solution, homeowners can save hundreds of dollars per year on lighting. Best of all, LED bulbs last much longer than traditional bulbs and don’t contain toxic metals or materials that can harm the environment.  For more information on switching to LEDs, contact AMEC Electric to schedule a consultation.

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